Online Classes

options for online classes

Online classes are usually carried out by using either Skype or Google Meet. Everything is provided for the student to carry out activities in class in Google Classroom. Where possible students will be asked to print or download worksheets in advance for classes in order to participate in the given tasks.

Types of classes are available

There are two options available for classes online. Firstly, there is the choice to have your class in private. In this option you will not be joined with other students. Private classes are more suited to students for various reasons.

Firstly, if you want to get ahead in your learning you can, and move at a faster pace. Secondly, classes are tailored to your exact needs, just like the face to face classes. Furthermore, if you are not comfortable in a group setting, then private classes will be more suitable for you. Online private classes are also a better choice if you need more time to grasp the English language, especially when you are a beginner.

In addition to private classes, there is also the option of joining one of our group classes. This option is great if you enjoy meeting new people and you want to converse with other students. The group classes are grouped into different levels of ability. If you are a complete beginner you would start in the ‘Beginner beginner’ class. You can then advance to higher level classes as you complete the online courses.

What you will need?

Reasons to go for online classes

  • A personal computer or device which you can use either Skype or Google Meet in video format.

  • A good stable internet connection.

  • Time you can set aside outside of classes to complete homework tasks.

  • Ability to upload and download files from Google Classroom, either before or after classes.

  • Optional – The facility to print documents and files.
    • Schedule your classes with more flexibility around your working or school life.

    • It’s a more convenient method of studying.

    • Incorporate more variety in your learning if you include some English courses.

    • Have the opportunity to meet new people around the globe if you participate in group classes online.

    • Have your classes in the comfort of our own home.