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Cloud - Based Platform Courses

E-Learning Courses

Read below to find out about E-Learning courses and how they work.

What is E-Learning?

options for online classes

Soon, I will be introducing the first of my E-Learning courses. These courses are designed so that students can come and go as they please with their studies. Once you become a member you can enroll in a course. You can use the home page link or the ‘My Courses‘ page to log in and start your course. All membership areas have complete privacy. In addition to this you will have your own personal ‘Dashboard’. Here you will find all the information you need about the course you are studying, any past courses, certificates and any awards you have achieved.

What is a LMS course platform?

An Electronic learning platform or LMS – Learning Management System is a cloud based software in which businesses create content and build courses or study materials for either their clients or employees. Furthermore, the courses are web based so they can be accessed 24/7 by students anywhere in the world, as well as also having the ability to offer downloadable and printable resources for offline study. Some courses are available free of charge and some with a fee. Once the course has been purchased, students will have access to the system for as long as the course allows.

Why should I use this method?

In the last 10 years or so, platform learning has become the go-to learning style for many people. Why? You might ask.
Well, it’s simple, E-learning courses allow students to stop and start their studies according to their lifestyle, work or school commitments. The learning industry has completely changed for most, with our busy day to day life controlling our free time, more people are choosing to study at non-conventional times. Some slipping in elements of study at various intervals during the day or even the week, when they can, so they don’t interrupt their weekly schedule. Platform courses generally come with either no time limit for completion or an ample time allowance which allows students to comfortably fit extra learning into their lifestyle.

If you think platform courses maybe the way for you, then click below to visit the course catalogue.