Class Options

info graphic for face to face class optionsclasses

Firstly, the most popular services within ‘Lets Speak English GC’ currently are private classes. I offer both individual and group options. 

More importantly,  all private classes are specially designed for each student. They include the elements of study each individual needs. Therefore, I try not to follow boring generic classes or syllabuses. Which subsequently leads to students finding classes uninspiring and demotivating.

Furthermore, the aim is to develop the class so that it is centered around the specific requirements of the student, whether that be support for school or university levels or preparation for official exams. In addition, I also strive to keep the everything fun so students enjoy learning English.

For further information visit our dedicated page for face to face options.


options for online classes

If you don’t live in Gran Canaria or you have a schedule which doesn’t allow you to attend face to face…
What are your options?

Well in short,  you can take online English classes!
Online classes can be taken on a one to one basis or you can join one of our group classes. These are available at different skill levels.

If you decide online classes are the best route for you,  you will receive the same high quality classes. Likewise,  your individual needs will be met as if you were having classes face to face.

For further information, visit the Online page.


If you prefer to study on your own and at your own pace then check out the courses page. The courses are available at different levels and they are designed for you to work alone. Each course comes with all the information needed to gain a certificate at the level.

You will find exercises, quizzes, assignments and other other learning method and materials throughout the courses. The courses are followed through an online learning platform and once you sign up for membership, you are ready to go!!