
About Me

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Established in 2016

My name is Amanda Louise White and I currently live in Gran Canaria, but I have been living in the Canary Islands for almost 22 years. I founded Let’s Speak English GC in 2016.  Six years on, and with valuable experience under my belt, I decided to increase my services and start the process of going digital! Find out more about me below.

Before I started teaching

Firstly, teaching was not my chosen profession. In fact, after I graduated college I took a number of different career paths. One of which led to becoming a chef.  However, after 12 years of slugging my guts out in a hot sweaty kitchen, I decided enough was enough!

With this in mind, I enrolled in a distance learning course at the The London University College Kensington, to study Graphic Design and Advertising. This was definitely more my passion. I continued working as a chef during my studies and after 5 long years – I finally graduated!

The move into teaching

However, finding work in this field in the Canary Islands has proven to be hard. Therefore, I decided to work for myself.  In addition to this, I started to look into other ways I could use my new skills in Gran Canaria, like teaching English.

After much research, I enrolled in a 120hr online TEFL course.  I passed with a Distinction in 2017. In 2020 during the COVID-19 lock down, I updated this, by completing the new Level 5 TEFL Qualification. This is now the industry standard, also gaining a Distinction.

Combining my skills

To sum up, using both my teaching and graphic design skills I found it easy to create interesting and informative content, based around English learning. This led me towards a new direction… Creating my own teaching courses. These courses will be provided to students over the internet on specially designed E-learning platforms. Exactly the same way I had completed both my TEFL courses.

To find out more information about these courses go to the courses page.

I look forward to leading you in the right direction on your journey to learn English.

Amanda - Let's Speak English GC


To bring an easier and more enjoyable learning experience to students than the usual traditional classroom settings, while still incorporating the elements of fun through learning.


To create content which is simple, yet informative and easier for foreign learners to understand and will inspire students to reach goals faster on their English learning path.
